2 Issue 9: |
This Month - Arc Collection, the exclusive first preview of Working Designs'
massive RPG anthology. |
Current Previews for February 2000 |
WWF SmackDown! |
Yes, it's got nifty
FMV, but no Grandmaster Sexay? What kind of game is that? |
Wild Arms 2 |
An RPG with charm and
character, at just the right time to fill what's no longer a niche. |
Hot Shots Golf 2 |
Superdeformed cool is
replaced by an ugly fat guy, but the game proper is as solid as ever. |
Sega GT |
My little GTO looks
finer than ever - Sega fields a winner in the GT racing ranks. |
Vagrant Story |
The creators of an
amazing strategy game follow with an amazing 3D action-RPG. |
Rollcage Stage II |
Hey, Pooch, are you
happy now? I would be, if only this game would let me drive backwards. |
Tenchu 2 |
GRO [heart] slitting
throats. Sorry, Mom, but Tenchu is just way too much fun. |
Star Trek: Invasion |
Quit watching your
console go pop in front of you and get up close and personal with the action. |
Faselei |
Crush them, Toy
Soldier! No, no, it just doesn't have that same ring to it. |
Rhapsody |
After years and years
of classic RPG music, an RPG that brings the soundtrack to the fore. |
Grandia II |
If you don't know this
will be great, you must not know too much about Game Arts' record. |
MediEvil 2 |
Our first go at Sir
Dan's return gets a thumbs up, if for nothing other than the Thing homage. |
Turok 3 |
This time, you get to
do battle with Oblivion - the comics never run out of these guys, do they? |
Macross VF-X 2 |
Free as a bird...that's
suspended in a tasty, colorful Jell-O mold. |
SW E1 Racer DC |
A mouthful of a title,
but it still looks great - if you want to play the movie, this is your chance. |
Daikatana 64 |
John Romero obviously
has a powerful vision here, but does the 64 have what it takes? |
Speed Punks |
Not as much depth as
the best of kart racers, but superior graphics and style. |
Street Sk8er 2 |
Still racing on
skateboards, but there's much more to do between points A and B. |
Fear Effect |
The promise of dark
future action and a fascinating style has us captivated. |
Chase The Express |
Hunt down terrorists on
that most reliable of action settings, a speeding train. |
Alundra 2 |
It's Matrix's first
shot at 3D - movies, screens, and a fairly strong thumbs-up inside. |
SF Alpha 3 |
W Impact has the mighty
animation, but Alpha 3 has the wonderful World Tour. |
Nightmare Creatures 2 |
A grim, violent, and
undeniably absorbing game is at hand - much information inside. |
4-Wheel Thunder |
We'd rather play this
than Buggy Heat, but, well, we'd rather play Crazy Taxi than either. |
Syphon Filter 2 |
Warning - contents may
be unsuitable for younger viewers and the webmaster's mother. |
Custom Robo |
Build up your mech and
go to war - or at least duke it out on the playground. |
Vanishing Point |
A great racer in the
strangest of places - oh, well, I'm not going to quibble. |
Fur Fighters |
Duke Nukem 3D with cute
little animals - don't tell my mother I played this one. |
SaGa Frontier 2 |
One of the most
beautiful feats of 2D art we've ever seen.. |
Gal's Fighters |
Another SNK fighter is
always welcome, particularly one this good-looking. |
Alundra 2 |
The sequel to the
devilish Alundra remains mysterious; RPG fans, keep you eyes on it. |
Rayman GB |
Rayman remains one of
the finest names in platforming, on yet another sysrtem. |
RE: Code Veronica |
Our first taste has us
interested in a full course of Dreamcast survival horror. |
Shen Mue |
Go ahead and believe
the hype; we're sold on Yu Suzuki's absorbing epic. |
Zombie Revenge |
Kill the zombies! Kill
the zombies! And kill the zombies! It may wear a little thin, though. |
Mario Party 2 |
More multiplayer
coin-collecting mini-gaming friend's-back-stabbing action from Nintendo. |
Tomba! 2 |
Do illegal things to
anthropomorphoid pigs once more, and in full 3D. Does the church know about this? |
Crusaders of M&M |
Might and Magic, that
is, one of our favorite RPG series. Whether Crusaders will be as well-liked...hm. |
V-On: Oratorio Tangram |
It doesn't get any
better than giant robots, and giant robots don't get better than Virtual On. |
Colony Wars: Red Sun |
A third adventure in a
galaxy torn by war, with improvements on the classic model |
SNK Vs. Capcom |
Clash Card Fighting!
Fast, simple gameplay and awesome art will win this some serious fans. |
Pokemon Stadium |
The battles are what
will draw the kids, but the Lickitung mini-game will steal the show. |
Ace Combat 3 |
Kick back, take in the
nifty graphics, tune out to the trancey music, and splash some bogies. |
Puyo Puyoda! |
Power to the Puyo!
Right on! Despite past troubles, Compile pushes forward in style. |
MDK 2 |
Life to the weird!
Victory to the weird! BioWare has done an excellent job with this sequel. |
Soul Fighter |
hell out of the bad guys in 3D, with no camera problems or weird collision. |
Munch's Oddysee |
potential of the Playstation 2 continues to exceed expectations; this should be a classic. |
Grandia |
Arts' magnum opus has made it to America. October 29, you can buy it. Or else. |
Winks |
in Slumberland as Eurocom branches out into new territory. |
Valkyrie Profile |
Gather the slain from
across the centuries and lead them to battle in Enix's upcoming RPG. |
Donkey Kong 64 |
The Kong clan returns
in Rare's biggest adventure yet; take up your coconut gun and go to it. |
Messiah |
Shiny's PC adventure
offers a beautiful future world and fascinating gameplay innovations. |
Galerians |
Crave prepares to
localize a dark, brooding three-dimensional psychic adventure. |
Thousand Arms |
Seek treasure, fight
evil, see sights, forge mighty weapons, and get to second base, all in one game. |
Top |
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